What about the USA area ?
USA (for United States of America) is the code used for distribution in Northern America (United States and Canada).
There are a lot of distributors that oversaw the distribution of games in the USA. lt would be complicated to list them all here or to focus on a particular one, but an interesting point is that there were a huge number of changes amongst these distributors during the lifetime of the Game Boy.
lndeed, USA is the localization that has the highest number of reissues with incrementation in the numbering. The main explanation is that reissues generally were synonym of a distributor change, meaning a change in the label, and then an incrementation in the Nintendo serial code.
USA games were widely imported into Europe, it is even easier to find some of these USA games in Europe than in Northern America. This is also the second localization in terms of exclusive games, right after the JPN localization.
lt is interesting to point out that contrary to Europe and its Nintendo Classics reissues, the American Player's choice games have the logo "Player's Choice Million Seller" directly on the label of the cartridge. Among these reissues, Mickey Mause Magic Wands! and The Smurfs only exist in this version, there is no need to search for a basic version, it simply does not exist.